Houston Business Directory
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Houston Health and Medical

Assisted Living
Conditions and Diseases
Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery
Guides and Directories
Health and Beauty
Home Care
Massage Therapy_and Bodywork
Mental Health
Physicians and Clinics
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  • Weight Loss Tracker - Online weight loss tracker provides an accurate, reliable measure of your caloric intake over a period of time. Also provides BMI calculator, calorie burning calculator, nutrition facts, and exercise tips.
  • The Ayurvedic Center - Offers information on herbs, nutrition, massage, astrology, polarity therapy, and postural integration.
  • Houston Department of Health and Human Services - Provides leadership in the promotion and protection of the health and social well being of the Houston community through advocacy, education and community-based health services.
  • The Assistance Fund - Provides support to individuals living with AIDS, pays for health insurance premiums until they qualify for Medicare, and offers financial assistance for medication. Site includes volunteer opportunities, donation information, and a calendar of events.
  • Alliance Ambulance Inc. - Mobile intensive care, advanced life support, basic life support, and wheelchair accessible vans.
  • Post Oak Club - Offers alchohol rehabilitation, AA meetings, events, and support for recovering alcoholics.
  • Texas Medical Center - Provides access to the Texas Medical Center's more than 40 member institutions, including two medical schools, four schools of nursing, 13 renowned hospitals and two specialty institutions.
  • Birthcare Childbirth Classes - Offering private prenatal childbirth classes taught by a labor and delivery nurse with certification in childbirth education.
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